Monday 21 March 2016

Stereotype- sexuality

Sexuality, and differing sexuality depending on whether that's to do with homosexuality or heterosexuality can have a varied range of stereotypes.

This can also apply to different genders within sexuality
Homosexuality is spotted and talked about, it is questioned whether people are gay but heterosexuality is already just assumed

Male: feminine qualities, making them distinctly camp and weaker. They are imfluenced by a keen interest in fashion and stereotypical feminine activities
Female: they are on the other hand, much more masculine and burn compared, stereotypical having short hair cuts like men and dressed much more masculine.

Both heterosexual men and women are just shown to be the normal, they are not different in anyway or have any particular qualities except from sticking to their gender specific roles- woman particular girly of feminine and also being able to wear ant type of clothing without being automatically stereotyped into one sexuality group. Men however are usually very masculine in how they dress with colours like pink being shown to be gay and feminine and therefore if worn could have connotations of homosexuality.

In history, differing sexuality to that of heterosexuality was illegal and discouraged. If you were homosexual or bisexual, you would be shunned and punished, with special 'treatment' being prescribed to them to 'cure them'. Homosexuality was a sin, and as religion was still fairly significant throughout the world then for you to go against it, it would be a very serious act. Homosexuality itself was seen as an illness and not a sexuality like it is now.

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